Photographer Ans Westra has reportedly died


Artist and photographer Ans Westra has rportedly died.

Ans Westra/Stuff

Artist and photographer Ans Westra has rportedly died.

Photographer Ans Westra, best known for her work capturing the nation’s cultural and generational changes on film, has reportedly died.

Wellington journalist Jeremy Rose reported on Facebook that the artist died.

“Such sad news that the extraordinary Ans Westra has died,” Rose wrote.

Westra is well known for her evocative black and white photos of ordinary kiwi life, especially in some of Aotearoa’s most remote settlements.

More to come.

Ruatoria, 1963, from Washday at the Pa by Ans Westra.

Ans Westra/{Suite} Gallery

Ruatoria, 1963, from Washday at the Pa by Ans Westra.


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