Bystanders lift car off trapped child left critically hurt after being knocked down near schools


People at the scene of a crash in Upper Riccarton, Christchurch, which left a child critically hurt in hospital after they were trapped under a car.


People at the scene of a crash in Upper Riccarton, Christchurch, which left a child critically hurt in hospital after they were trapped under a car.

A former doctor who helped lift a car off a child who was trapped beneath it after being knocked down said the rescue was one of the most traumatic medical experiences he had ever been through.

The child was in a critical condition in Christchurch Hospital on Tuesday night after being hit by the car at an Upper Riccarton intersection, near a number of schools, on Tuesday afternoon.

The former doctor was on his way to pick his own child up from school when he stopped to help what looked like a car crash near the intersection of Curletts Rd and Owens Tce at about 3pm.

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On the corner of the intersection he saw a lady screaming and waving her hands, and he was told a child had been hit and was stuck under the vehicle.

The man immediately went to grab his car jack.

The child was taken to hospital in a critical condition.


The child was taken to hospital in a critical condition.

“By the time I went back, very strong people were trying to lift it [the car] up already,” said the man, who did not want to be named.

“The car was in the air halfway. I wanted to help, so we used all our strength.”

He said at least eight people helped lift the car to get the child out.

“Someone kept yelling, ‘Is he out, is he out? Someone say yes’. Then they pulled him out,” the man said.

Police at the scene of the incident on Tuesday afternoon.


Police at the scene of the incident on Tuesday afternoon.

Roadworks meant made a two-way neighbouring street was one-way, which created more traffic on Owens Tce, especially around school pick-up and drop-off times, the former doctor said.

Police were called to the incident at about 3.15pm and closed a stretch of Owens Tce to investigate.

The police serious crash unit is investigating, a spokesperson said.

Curletts Rd is State Highway 73, a busy four-lane road near Riccarton High, Te Kāpehu Riccarton and Middleton Grange schools.


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