The Ministry of Health gave the update on Aotearoa’s Covid-19 outbreak on Monday afternoon.
There have been 11,453 new cases of Covid-19 reported in the past week, a jump of more than 2300 cases than the week before.
The Ministry of Health gave the update, covering the period from Monday, February 27, to Sunday, March 5, on Monday afternoon.
The rolling seven-day average of new cases is 1632, up from 1279 last week, officials reported.
There were 177 people in hospital with Covid-19 as of midnight Sunday – one of whom was in an intensive care or high dependency unit.
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The ministry reported an increase in the seven-day rolling average of RAT results reported: from 2105 last week to 7004 in the week to Sunday.
Chris McKeen/Stuff
Auckland GP Dr Sandhya Ramanathan demonstrates how to fit an N95 mask, and three hacks to make surgical masks fit better. (First published in January 2022)
Last Monday, officials reported 9100 cases – an increase of 10% on the week prior.
The ministry reported 18 deaths in the past week.
One person who died was under 10 years old, one was in their 20s, one in their 40s, one in their 50s, one was in their 60s, four were in their 70s, seven were in their 80s and two were aged over 90. Six were female and 12 were male.
In the past week, the number of deaths attributed to Covid-19 increased by six (where Covid-19 was the underlying cause).
Four were determined not to be Covid-19, and the cause of death was not yet available in eight cases.
To date, there have been 2548 deaths attributed to Covid-19 in Aotearoa.