Event guide: What’s on in Marlborough



CULTURAL Kaleidoscope: March 11 – Sunday March 26 10:30am – 4:30pm The Marlborough Art Society Art will be available for purchase during the exhibition.

CROP Swap: Saturday March 11 – Saturday 20 May. 2pm-4pm. Crossroads Cafe. Brings together backyard gardeners for swapping and sharing high-quality food and produce every month.

LA Hora Del Cuento: March 11 – Saturday November 4 2023 2pm-3pm Marlborough District Library. Spanish story time. Share their culture, language and values.

ARTISAN Craft Market: 9am-2pm, Market Pl, Blenheim. Free entry. All ages. Wooden toys, pottery, bags, doll’s clothes, jewellery, honey, preserves.

COVER up Art Prints: March 11 – Thursday March 23. The Karaka Kitchen. Collaged artworks made entirely from 1960’s & 70s Readers Digest hardback books. All available to purchase.

THE New Zealand Red Cross: Looking for volunteers. Full training is provided and the time commitment is very flexible. migration.volunteers@redcross.org.nz or text John 0272235972

REDWOODTOWN Market: Redwood Tavern car park, 8am-12 noon. Crafts, flowers, knife/tool sharpening, preserves, plants, honey. Ph Alison 5785109


PICTON Menz Shed: 2 Market St, Picton. 8.30am-12 noon. Ph Rex 021469191

JUSTICE of the Peace: 10am-12 noon, Marlborough District Library, Blenheim. Free. All ages, certify/witness docs.

PICTON Heritage and Whaling Museum: 10am-3pm daily. 9 London Quay. Ph 5738283

VINTAGE Farm Machinery: Daily, 10am-3pm, Brayshaw Vintage farm. Ph Gerald 0220392460

BROOKLYN Croquet Club: Golf croquet at Whitehead Park, 15 Brooklyn Dr. 12.45pm, Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday, afternoon tea supplied

BOOT Sale: 8am-12noon, Blenheim Railway Station car park, Grove Rd

REPAIR Café: 9am-12noon, Crossroads Cafe, 2 Redwood St, Blenheim. Free. All ages. Bring it along to get fixed, fourth Saturday of the month.


AWATERE Wine Tasting: March- Sunday 14 May. 12:30pm-1:30pm. Tūpari Cellar Door hosts an exploration of Awatere wines alongside Seddon’s Market on The Green.

MARLBOROUGH Farmers Market: Marlborough A&P Showgrounds 9am-12noon. Rain or Shine. Local fresh/seasonal produce and products

SEDDON’S Market: Sunday 10.30-1pm. March-14 May 2023. Artisan Stalls, fresh produce, clothing, wine tasting and fun!! Second hand car boot section too. There’s something for everyone!

LEGO Club: 1pm-4pm, Marlborough District Library Ph 5207491 and Picton Library 5207493. Free. All ages. Build a Lego® kit

SUMMER Sunday Sessions: 1-4pm, Forrest Estate Winery, 19 Blicks Rd, Blenheim. Free entry. Local music. Families, kids, dogs on leads welcome. Until the end of April.

PICTON Rail and Sail: Picton foreshore Sunday, 11am-3pm, donation, train rides/yacht hire

MARLBOROUGH Chinese Fellowship: Gathering with shared meal, second Sunday, 4pm-6pm. St Christopher’s Church, 92 Weld St, Blenheim. Ph Guan 0221642782, Mandy 0224326886

CAKE Decorators Guild: 24 Selwyn St, 1pm-4pm. Ph/text 021555095 to join. 2nd Sunday Monthly

MARLBOROUGH Vintage Car Club Museum: Sunday and Wednesday, 1:30-3:30pm Brayshaw Park, Arthur Baker Pl. Donation appreciated. Bill 0275784322

RIVERSIDE Railway: Departs Brayshaw Park Station 1.15pm & 3.15pm to Omaka & return. Adult $8, child $5; and 1.45pm to Beaver Station & return. Adult $13, child $7. Eftpos

BLENHEIM Country Music Club: Nurses Hall Taylor Pass Rd. 2-5pm, fortnightly. $4 non members, $3 members. Afternoon tea. John Walding 027-355-5209, Nola Carter 5779455

BLENHEIM Croquet Club: Parker St, Golf croquet: Sun, Tues, Thur, 12.45pm, Barb 0274992456. Association croquet, Wed/Sat, 12.45pm & Ricochet, Fri, 10.30am, Dawn 02102455010

SOCIAL Tennis: Sunday Social Drop In Tennis At Pollard Park Courts 12 March-Sun 30 July 3pm-5pm

Marlborough Tennis Club, Parker St. Non-members $2. All welcome.

CARS of all Genres: Riverlands Roadhouse, 8-11am. All ages. 1st Sun of month. Great food/coffee

MODEL Yacht and Boat Sailing: Brayshaw Park, 1pm-4pm. Free

GUILD of Woodworkers: Brayshaw Park, 1pm. Phil 02102225252. First Sunday

BLENHEIM Bonsai Group: Display and tree workshop, Islington Gardens, 3/35 Rowberrys Rd, Blenheim, 1-3pm. John 0294783464 or Rod 021755100. Second Sunday

CLAY Target Club: Keith 021825348. Fourth Sunday. Level 2

ULYSSES: Lunch ride, decide destination on the day. Meet at the Blenheim Railway Station south end, ride departs 10am. Check rides

MARLBOROUGH Golf Club: Sunday aft, all day Mon & Tues, Fairhall. 9 hole $15, 18 hole $30. Must be a Marlb resident

BLENHEIM Petanque Club: Sun 10am, Wednesday 1pm. 65A Weld St. Chris 5787303

MARLBOROUGH Rock and Mineral Club: Brayshaw Park, 10am-4pm, rocks, minerals, crystals, work room, books. Free

MARLBOROUGH Associated Modellers: Miniature train rides, Brayshaw Park, 1-4pm. $2. 1st & 3rd Sun ea month. First and third Sunday each month

BLENHEIM Model Aero Club: Indevin, Bankhouse, Wairau Valley, 9am. Murray 5789199 or Matt 0274619228


WEAVERS Group: Beavertown Hall, Brayshaw Park, 10am-2pm every third Monday. Bring your lunch. Ph Anne 5705547 or Chris 027 5725083

BLENHEIM Business Networking: 7.30am-8.30am Mondays- December 11. Delicia Cafe. Register your interest on the Networkers’ website

BLENHEIM Business Networking: 9am-10am. Raupo Cafe. -December 11. Raupo Cafe. Please register your interest on the Networkers’ website

BEGINNER Line Dancing: 2pm-3pm and 6pm-7pm Senior Citizens Hall, all Ages. The first lesson is free then $6 per lesson. All ages, no partner needed Ph Judith 5787554

STAGE Lab Singing Lessons: Monday afternoon, Riversdale Community House, 131 Budge St. Ph Rose 0224191428

TAI Chi: Mon, 10-11am; Wed, 11.30am-12.30pm, Endeavour Park Pavilion, Waikawa Rd, Picton. $10. Manu 0222 387 285. Wear comfy clothes, Byo water

MARLBOROUGH Embroidery Guild: 3rd Mon, 7-9.30pm; 1st Sat of month, 10am-3pm. NMIT (room next to hairdressing). Vicki Allen 02102299091, vickimadebyme@gmail.com

LITTLE Stars: Sing and Play: 9.15–10.30am, Picton Baptist Church, 293 Waikawa Rd. 0-5yrs with carers. Refrshmts. Free. All welcome. Heather 0212535511

BLENHEIM Rotary Clubs: Monday and Tuesday, 5.30pm. Men/women worldwide service club. Info/meeting venues: Kevin 0211738784, Jon 0272229505

ZUMBA: Monday and Wednesday, 5:30pm, Bohally School. $5. Huia 0210724107

ALCOHOLICS Anon: Zoom Meeting (see website for code), Blenheim, 7:30-8:30pm. 0800AAWORKS.

COMMUNITY Potters’ Club: 7pm to 9pm, clubrooms, 2A Dillons Point Rd. Zoe 0221982430. Second and Fourth

UNIVERSITY for the Third Age: U3A mthly mtngs, 2nd Mon, 2pm, Cloudy Bay Funeral Services, Purkiss St. Ann 03 5784200

WATERCOLOUR Group: 10am-12pm, Chrissy 021568850; 1-3pm, Janne 0210305639. Art Soc Studio, 204 High St. All welcome

BLENHEIM Playcentre: Parent-led Early Childhood Education, Mon-Fri, 9.15-11.45am. 17 Eltham Rd, Blenheim. blenheim@playcentre.org.nz Term time

TAI Chi with Maree: 10.30am & 5.45pm, Redwoodtown Hall. All welcome. 027634 9045

BARBERSHOP Singing: Spring Creek Hall, 7pm. Brian 5780692 or Johan 5785789

TREFOIL Guild: Ex Girl Guide leaders, Guides and Guide minded ladies. 1.30pm-3.30pm, Guide Hall, 36 Eltham Rd. Valerie 5547357. Third Monday

RUMMY O Club: 12.30-4pm, Bowls Clubrooms, Weld St. Joy 5776191, Mary 5788747

SCOTTISH Country Dancing Club: Whitney St School Hall. 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Miriam 0212563057 or Heather 5782177

SPRING Creek Playcentre: Parent-led Early Childhood Education, Monday and Wednesday, 9.30am-12.30pm. 46a Ferry Rd, Spring Creek. springcreek@playcentre.org.nz Not school holidays

RENWICK Playcentre: Parent-led Early Childhood Education, Mon & Fri, 9.15-11.45am. 26 Havelock St, Renwick. renwick@playcentre.org.nz Not school holidays

LINKWATER Playcentre Playgroup: Parent-led Early Childhood Education, Mon, 9.30am-noon. Linkwater Hall, 1353 Queen Charlotte Drive. linkwater@playcentre.org.nz School term only

DILLONS Point Playgroup: Today & Wed, 9am to noon, Bright Centre, 2 Dillons Point Rd. Wendy 0210302856

MARLBOROUGH Guild of Woodworkers: Mon & Wed: 9am-12pm; Mon: 7-9pm, Brayshaw Park. Philip 5705188

PICTON Walking Group: 9.20am, Picton RSA car park. Janice 0272866707

LACEMAKERS: Meet every Monday. Ph Rosemary 5788865 or Winnie 0273376931


BLENHEIM Aglow Event: Enjoy Gospel singer Nicky Moran bring hope, faith and love within her music. Tuesday 14 March 7pm-9pm St Christopher’s Anglican Church Blenheim.

COVER up Art Prints: March-Thursday 23 March. The Karaka Kitchen. Collaged artworks made entirely from 1960’s & 70s Readers Digest hardback books. All available to purchase.

CHEEKY Monkeys: Tuesday March-Tuesday 4 April. 10:30am-11:30am. Marlborough District Library. Fun and creative session for children under five years old. Come along and join in!

FIERO Code Club: 3.30pm-4.30pm. March-6 June. Picton Library and Service Centre. Fiero Code which guides you through learning different coding languages

PICTON Line Dancing: Tuesdays 9.30am-11.30am Anglican Church hall. $6 per class. Beginners welcome. Ph Carol 0212125252 or Raewyn 021715484

SAYGO: (Steady As You Go) Balance/Exercise class Tuesday 11.30am-12.30pm St Christophers Church Hall 92 Weld St. $2 Ph Tineke 5780139 weekdays 9am-12noon for more information

DAFFODIL Connect Coffee Support Group: For people living with cancer, incl support people. Raupo Cafe, Tuesday 11am Ph 5794379

SAVVY Ukes Ukulele Group: 6:30-8pm. $5. Riversdale Community House, 131 Budge St. Brenda 0272390213, Lorraine 0276246264

PICTON Playcentre: Parent-led Early Childhood Education, Tue & Thur, 9.30am-noon. 5 Waitohi Place, Picton. picton@playcentre.org.nz Not school holidays

COFFEE and Chat: Picton: 1st Tue, 10-11am, Seabreeze Café, London Quay. New to town? Interested in local activities? We can help! Cathy 0210451799, 5739111, picton@newcomers.co.nz

KNITTERS and Spinners: Tuesday 10:30am-3pm, Picton Library and Service Centre. Free. All ages. Byo morning tea and project

LINDY Hop: 1920’s social partner dance. 7-8pm, Port Marlborough Pavilion, Waikawa Rd, Picton. Free. All welcome. Daniel 0224953407

TAI Chi with Maree: 10.30am, Senior Citizens Hall. All welcome. Please call 0276349045

SIT and Be Fit: Tue/Thur, 1.15pm, Riversdale Community House, 131 Budge St. $2 Ph 5780469, 0223007342

FRIENDSHIP Combined Club of Beavertown: Semi retired/retired locals 4th Tue of mth, 10am, Star of Sea Parish Hall, Maxwell Rd. Speakers, outings. Ph Les McKay 5778307, Neroli Edwards 5784746

DRAWING Group: 1pm-3pm, Art Society Studio, 204 High St. Sydney 0211568398. Newcomers welcome

AL Anon Family Support Group Meeting: Help for families/friends of problem drinkers and addictions. Margaret 5784690, 02102607468 or Aley 021434117

BLENHEIM Choral: 7pm, Wesley Centre, 3 Henry St. 021344575. Marlboroughsingers.org.nz

SOCIAL Tennis: Summer 8.30am, winter 9am. Marlb Tennis Club, Pollard Park, Parker St. Morn tea prov. Visitors $5 morning. Info: 027578 6436

TECHNOLOGY Teaching for 50+: Studio on Solway Dr, Witherlea, 9.30am, advanced class. $5/hr pp. Private lessons $20/hr. 0212230160

AWATERE Playcentre: Parent-led Early Childhood Education, Tue & Fri, 9am-noon. 15 Redwood St, Seddon. awatere@playcentre.org.nz term time only

PICTON Table Tennis Club: 10am-12noon. Picton Little Theatre, Dublin St. $4 includes equipment. All adults welcome. Ph Ernie 0275888453

RENWICK Market: Anglican Church Hall, 9am-12noon. Fresh veg, clothing, walnuts, jams, household goods, etc. Sales tables, $5 or comm sales. Donations welcome. Ph Lynne 0274786640

GOLF Croquet: Today, Thursday and Sunday, 1pm, Blenheim Croquet Club, Parker St. Ph Allan 5783747

BRAYSHAW Park Spinners: Beavertown Hall, 10am–2pm, byo lunch. New members welcome. Ph Betty 5794942


AFTER School Fun: March-Wednesday 21 June. 3:30pm-4:30pm Picton Library and Service Centre. Crafty kids! Come along and enjoy the library after school on Wednesdays term time.

STRETCH and Breathe: Gentle class for Seniors. Every Wednesday from 10am-11am. $2. St Christophers Church Hall 92 Weld St Blenheim. Ph Tineke 5780139 weekdays 9am-12noon

ROCK Ferrys Wine: Twilight Market 4pm-7pm stroll through the stalls of local artisan food producers, glass of wine in hand, shopping

BOOK Chat: 10:30-11:30am, Picton Library and Service Centre. Free. All ages. Coffee/ chat, every 2nd Wednesday of month. Ph 5207493

GENEALOGY Drop-in: Wednesday 1pm-3pm, Marlborough District Library Blenheim. Free. All ages. Family history research. No apptmnt reqd

TAEKWONDO: 6pm-7:30pm, Havelock Town Hall February -April 5 (school term). All ages. Ph 0276146924

JUSTICE of the Peace: Wed, 11am-1pm, Picton Library, High St. Free. All ages. Certify/witness docs.

SIT and Be Fit: 10.30-11am. $5 session. Simcox Stadium, 50 Battys Rd

PICKLEBALL: 1-3pm, Simcox Stadium, Battys Rd. $5. Sport for all ages

BLENHEIM Lions’ Club: Serving the community 50+ years. Interested in becoming a Lion? Tea mtngs: 2nd & 4th Wed. Delphine 0299425004, Helen 0211458572

BLENHEIM Probus Club: 1st Wed (except January), 10am, Wesley Centre. We look forward to seeing you there. Raewyn 578 4576 or Robert 578 8938

ANYTHING Goes: 9.30am-12pm, Art Society Studio, 204 High St. Lyn 0275777100. All welcome

WETLAND Warriors: Grovetown Lagoon, Steam Wharf Rd. Help in the lagoon or shadehouse. 9.30- 11.30am. Ph Rosanne 0210709267

FLORAL Art Group: Senior Citizens Hall, High St, 10.15am. Ph Cheryl 5781425 First Wednesday.

DEMENTIA Carers Support Group: 8 Wither Rd, 10am-11.30am. Ph 5776172, every 2nd Wednesday

PICTON Scottish Country Dance Club: 7.30pm Picton Little Theatre. Lynda 0212600860

BLENHEIM Depression Support Group: 10-11.30am. Friendship and support. Info/meeting Alistair 0272883032

PICTON Menz Shed: 2 Market St, Picton. 8.30am-2.30pm. Rex 021469191 or Kerry 021888423


KEEP U Moving: Gentle indoor walking exercise for Seniors. 11.30am-12.30pm each Thursday except the 4th Thursday of the month $2 St Christophers Church Hall, 92 Weld St. Ph Tineke 5780139

PICTON Library Book Club: March-Thursday 7 December 2023 6:30pm-8:00pm. To register and receive details about the next meeting please email pictonlibrary@marlborough.govt.nz.

FIERO Code Club: Thursday March-Thursday 1st June, 3:30pm- 4:30pm Marlborough District Library. Want to learn how to code, come and join.

KNIT and Natter: Marlborough District Library 10:30am-12noon Are you looking to meet new people? Are you interested in knitting? Join a group of social knitters.

TAI Chi & Qigong: Must be double vaxxed/boosted. Beginners: Wairau Valley Hall 11am Redwoodtown Hall, 2pm. Advanced: 3pm & 5:15pm. 5722884 lasfronteras@xtra.co.nz

CITIZENS Advice Bureau Drop-In: 10am-2pm, Picton Library and Service Centre. Free. All ages. Info/advice

SOCIAL Badminton: Thur, 9am-12noon, Simcox Stadium, Battys Rd, Blenheim. $5. All adults welcome. Ph Cathy 021503348

COMMUNITY Choir: Thur, 7-9pm. St Ninian’s Hall, 1 Riley Cr, Redwoodtown (opp church). All abilities, new members welcome. f: CreativeVoice@singforfriendship (school term)

LIBRARY Book Club: 6:30-8pm, Marlborough District Library. Free. Adults only. For all readers who are hoping to read more this year. 520 7491. Last Thursday of month

AFTER School Fun: 3:30-4:15pm, Blenheim Children’s Library. Free. All ages. No need to book. Stories/crafts. Term time

NARCOTICS Anon: 7-8pm, Riversdale Community House, 131 Budge St. 0800 726 786

DRINKING a Problem? We’re here to help. Zoom Meeting (code: website), Havelock, 7.30-8.30pm. 0800 AA Works

MARLBOROUGH Felters: Beavertown Hall, Brayshaw Park, 10am-2pm. Bring lunch. Shirley 5795355 or 021024 00571. First Thursday

COPD Support and Exercise Group: 2nd & 4th Thur, The Foundry Hall, 3 John St, Blenheim, 1.30pm. Free. Karen 5791609, 0272057244. every 2nd and 4th Thursday

SUPPORTING Families Marlborough: Support, education, advocacy. Ph 5775491

PICTON Playcentre: 9.30am-noon, today and Tuesday, 5 Waitohi Pl, Picton. Ph 5735665 picton@playcentre.org.nz school term only

TABLE Tennis: Endeavour Park, Picton, 10am-12noon, singles/doubles. Fun, fitness, morning tea. $4 equipment provided. Adults only Ph Ernie 0275888453

BLENHEIM Master’s Swimmers: Stadium 2000, 6.45pm-7.45 Saturday, 8.30am. Jude 021485968

BLENHEIM Menz Shed: Thursday and Monday, 1pm-4pm; Saturday, 9am-12noon. Ph Dave 021 2340057, daveo52@yahoo.co.nz or Brian 021550429, tuffey@gmail.com

HIGHLAND Pipe Band: 7.30pm, The Foundry, Wesley Hall, John St. Ph Noel 5786365


BOOK Sale: Friday March-Sunday 2nd April. Marlborough District Library. Start on the last Friday of every second month. The main sale opens at 9am and continues on Saturday and Sunday.

UNDER 5s Stories and Crafts: Friday March-Friday 2 June. 10:30am-11am. Picton Library and Service Centre. Designed to enhance the library experience for 2-5-year-olds.

DRINKING a Problem? We’re here to help. Spring Creek Parish Hall, Ferry Rd, 7.30-8.30pm. 0800 AA Works

COFFEE and Company: Chat and Chill. Every Friday, 10am-12noon 8 Beaver Rd, Blenheim. Free. All welcome. Ph 0273177889

PASTELS with Prue: 10am-12noon, Art Society Studio, 204 High St. Prue 021 072 0525.

MARLBOROUGH Women’s Club: Speakers, entertainment, outings and afternoon tea. Irene 0212380210


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