‘I did not ask for it’ rape complainant repeatedly tells court


Nikki Frank and Peter John Haden are on trial at the High Court in Auckland facing charges of rape, sexual violation and making intimate visual recordings. (composite image)

Lawrence Smith/Stuff

Nikki Frank and Peter John Haden are on trial at the High Court in Auckland facing charges of rape, sexual violation and making intimate visual recordings. (composite image)

A court has heard a woman continually deny initiating consensual, sexual behaviour with two men accused of raping her.

“This is not a story. This is the truth… This is not something you make up…it’s something that stays with you for life,” the woman said.

The Crown’s case is Nikki Frank and Peter John Haden took the woman to Frank’s Northcote home before taking turns raping and sexually violating her on an evening in April 2021. The pair also filmed parts.

The pair deny charges against them and are on trial at the High Court at Auckland.

* Rape complainant tells police: ‘I just wanted the night to go and to die.’
* Crown argues two men raped a woman and took turns filming abuse

On Thursday, the woman repeatedly told lawyers for Frank and Haden she did not have consensual sex that night.

Frank’s lawyer, Claire Robertson, submitted the woman saw the men at Takapuna beach and behaved provocatively, joked about having group sex and kissed both men while they were drinking and smoking cannabis together.

The woman admitted she’d taken zopiclone (sleeping tablet) that morning to help with anxiety and had a small amount to drink, but was not drunk.

The woman met the men at Takapuna beach. (File photo)

Caroline Williams/Stuff

The woman met the men at Takapuna beach. (File photo)

The woman said she thought the offer of a contracting job was genuine and was excited about the prospect about being able to provide for her daughter.

“I am not someone who looks for attention, yes I do wear skimpy clothes, but I did not ask for it.”

The woman previously told police she blacked out in the van and remembers waking up at a driveway before being carried upstairs.

However, Robertson submitted the woman was lying and never blacked out.

“I was taken advantage of,” the woman said.

The woman denied making the first move, calling the shots and wanting to have sex with Frank.

“It was not sex. It was rape,” the woman said.

The woman told prosecutor Sam Teppett she was not aware she was being filmed.

Robertson however submitted the woman was well aware she was being recorded.

“I would have had a big problem with it,” the woman said.

Robertson submitted once the woman arrived back at the motel she was living at, “the buzz” had worn off and she’d realised the “recklessness” of her actions.

She then lied to her partner and continued lying, Robertson suggested.

“I did not ask anyone to do this to me… none of what happened is a lie” the woman replied.

Robertson suggested the truth was that the woman was in control that whole evening.

“You could have left at any stage. You stayed at that house by choice,” Robertson said.

However, the woman said she could barely move again said she was not lying.

The trial before Justice Gerard van Bohemen and a jury continues.


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