Two Christchurch high schools in lockdown over ‘concerning’ person


Two Christchurch high schools have been put into lock down because of an unknown person with “concerning” behaviour on site.


Two Christchurch high schools have been put into lock down because of an unknown person with “concerning” behaviour on site.

Two Christchurch high schools have been put into lockdown because of an unknown person with “concerning” behaviour on site.

Police are in attendance at Shirley Boys’ High School and Avonside Girls’ High School on Tuesday afternoon.

The two schools share a site in the city’s east.

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“We are in lock down because there is a person onsite whose behaviour I understand is concerning, so for the safety of staff and students they’ve gone in lock down,” Shirley Boys principal Tim Grocott said.

Tim Grocott, head of Shirley Boys High School said the school is in lockdown due to a concerning person on the grounds.


Tim Grocott, head of Shirley Boys High School said the school is in lockdown due to a concerning person on the grounds.

“It’s not anyone known to us,” he said.

A post on the Avonside Girls website has requested parents do not come to the school or phone the school as this may cause disruption to the management of this incident.

More to come.


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