The parents who run a popular TikTok account documenting their daily lives have faced a backlash over a recent “hack” for getting their son onto rides at Disney theme parks even though he’s not tall enough.
The video, from The Kelly Family, describes the youngster as “a thrill-seeking boy who can’t get enough of Disney theme park rides”. The issue for him is that he’s “not tall enough for the big ones”.
So the parents don’t want him missing “the rush” and “took matters into their own hands” by making a pair of shoes which made him appear taller using a “towering heel and “extra flip flop bottoms”.
The video, which has now been viewed 400,000 times, ends calling it “possibly … the ultimate theme park hack”.
It did not sit well with commentators, who said the youngster could end up flying out of seats.
“And just like a canon, he will be yeeted out of his seat,” was a popular post.
“We just discovered how to make our child fly out of a seat too small for him!,” was another.
Former theme park workers also chimed in.
Height Requirment Sign In Front Of Amusement Park Ride
“This is why we’re trained to look at shoes to see if they are tampered with,” was one comment.
”I used to work at Disney on Primeval Whirl which had one of the highest height restrictions and yeah there for a reason and for safety,” was another.
A follow-up video from the father entitled, “Just so we’re clear…” said he would “never, ever put my kids in actual danger”.
”I would never condone any other parent trying to put their kid on a ride that they aren’t tall enough for.”
He added that the video didn’t show the youngster going on any actual rides, and that he was already tall enough.
Many called it “backpedalling”.
”I love how they literally don’t give us all the facts while presenting them as all the facts, then tells us to get the facts straight. Yikes.”
A later, more contrite video, was published on Wednesday with the dad calling himself “a flawed individual”.