Cyclone Gabrielle: Two more confirmed deaths in Napier and Hastings


Two more deaths in the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle have been reported by police.

Police were investigating a death in Crownthorpe, Hastings, reported on Saturday night, bringing the death toll from the cyclone to 11.

The tenth person to be confirmed dead in the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle was found in their Onekawa home on Thursday.

Two firefighters, a toddler, and men and women living on the East Coast were among the other victims of Cyclone Gabrielle.

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Ongoing search and rescue operations has begun to reveal the extent of the heartbreaking damage and loss caused by the extreme weather event that tore through the North Island this week.

Both deaths reported on Sunday have been referred to the coroner, police said.

“Further details will be provided when they become available.”


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